EVERY WEDNESDAY, we will dismiss one hour before the regular times above. This is professional time for ALL staff to collaborate and work together in order to improve instruction and focus on specific needs of our students. Dismissal on Wednesdays will be 1:25pm for grades K-3 and 2:10pm for grades 4 & 5.
If you have last minute messages for your children about how they should get home for the day, please call AT LEAST 20 minutes before dismissal. If you call any later than that, we cannot guarantee that they will get the message before dismissal time. There are so many students and it is an incredibly busy time of day. Thank you for your cooperation!
Our U-Drive in front:
We have created a bus lane marked with yellow paint. From 8-8:30am and 2:15-3:15, please do NOT park or sit idle in that lane - it is for busses only.
The lane right when you come is painted blue. This is for morning drop-off for ALL parents and daycares. After school, we ask this area only be for LICENSED daycares from 2:15-3:15pm. Parents will need to park along the street or in designated parking stalls to come get their children. Thank you!
Medicine Crow School Clinic Services
Using a patient-centered approach, doctors, nurses, a child psychiatrist and a licensed clinical social worker are available to meet students’ and families’ needs. Enrollment materials must be completed before students and family members can be cared for at the Medicine Crow School Clinic.
It is important you stand with us against bullying. How? Report it! Cases often go unreported. Students will be presented with a lesson on bullying, what it is and what it isn't and where to find reporting forms in their classroom, the counselor's office, and the main office. Some things to think about:
1) Rude behavior is sometimes purposeful but also accidental that might cause harm or hurt somebody. Usually without the thought or intent to actually harm physically or emotionally.
2) Mean behavior is done purposefully to cause harm in some way but is typically a one time event or done with quite a bit of time between events.
3) Bullying behavior is purposeful, usually thought out and planned, and is repetitively targeting a particular person(s). There is also an imbalance of power - this means the student has some sort of power over the student socially, physically, or emotionally.